Thinking about science like Louis Pasteur
Scientific discoveries and achievements from centuries past are often
portrayed as a set of fully-fledged concepts and perfect results. The
exacting trial-and-error processes and frequent setbacks we know from
modern-day science are rarely mentioned. Why could this be – was science
‘easier’ in the past?
Dr Keith Turner and Professor Marvin Whiteley of the University of
Texas at Austin were intrigued by this phenomenon and looked at 19th
century microbiology as a case study. To get a better insight into what
really happened in laboratories a century and a half ago, they studied a paper by Louis Pasteur, one of the founding fathers of modern microbiology. Written in 1877, it is entitled Charbon et septicémie
(Anthrax and septicaemia, an inflammatory response of the body to
severe infections). The manuscript is written in Pasteur’s native
French, so the researchers enlisted the help of Dr Turner’s wife, who
translated the original text into English. Together, they have published
their thoughts on Pasteur’s paper in the Journal of Medical Microbiology.
In Pasteur’s day, anthrax was a disease common in both humans and
livestock – a far cry from its modern associations with bioterrorism in
the aftermath of the 11 September 2001 attacks. One of the main
microbiological challenges of the late 19th century was to
ascertain whether anthrax was caused by bacteria or by even smaller
entities that were invisible to the microscopes of the time – entities
that we today know as viruses. If bacteria proved to be the culprits,
the secondary challenge was to show whether or not the bacterium we call
Bacillus anthracis was the one that caused anthrax.
Charbon et septicémie was a response to an earlier
investigation from 1865 that attempted to shed light on the cause of
anthrax by inoculating a healthy rabbit with blood from a cow that had
died of the disease at a slaughterhouse. The rabbit quickly died, but
the scientists found no sign of anthrax symptoms or of B. anthracis; they therefore concluded that the bacterium could not be the cause of anthrax.
Twelve years after the publication of these controversial findings,
Pasteur neatly dissected the earlier study’s reasoning using two simple
- Blood from any animal dead for more than a few hours will putrefy, becoming deadly for other organisms irrespective of anthrax; the scientists could not know how long the cow had been dead when they took their blood sample.
- The microbes that grow in putrefying blood are deadly not just to humans but also to B. anthracis, which is why the anthrax bacterium was not found in the dead rabbit.
As Turner and Whiteley argue, this simple yet insightful criticism
epitomises the critical thinking and sceptical approach that are
essential in science. Not content with debunking his fellow
microbiologists’ reasoning, however, Pasteur also responded with his own
experimental findings. He used urine, which remains mostly sterile
unless microbes are artificially introduced, as a basis for isolating a
pure culture of B. anthracis bacteria. Indeed, a guinea pig he
infected with this pure culture died of anthrax very shortly after. More
importantly, filtering this anthrax culture to remove B. anthracis rendered it completely avirulent, proving that it was the anthrax bacterium that caused the disease.
Besides presenting these important findings in their own right, Charbon et septicémie
also laid the groundwork for Pasteur’s anthrax vaccine, to which we owe
a largely anthrax-free world today. The paper is also a description of
an early application of Pasteur’s pure-culture method to medical
microbiology. Pure culture forms the basis of 20th-century
microbiology, much of which focused on studying microbes in isolation
using purification methods similar to those Louis Pasteur pioneered.
In contrast to pure culture, Professor Whiteley’s lab studies the
role polymicrobial communities – those consisting of multiple species
coexisting – play in human infection. They believe that pure culture
does not reflect the intricacies of real, natural interactions between
microbes and the impacts such interactions have on individual cells. Can
the two seemingly conflicting scientific approaches of pure culture and
the study of polymicrobial communities be reconciled?
Dr Turner and Professor Whiteley argue that they can. They are keen
to acknowledge the transformative impact that Pasteur’s work has had on
microbiology. However, they believe that modern microbiology has focused
on Pasteur’s isolation methods so much that studies of the interactions
between microbes in their natural environment have been neglected. They
therefore see their work as complementary to Pasteur’s, not as
contrasting. Turner and Whiteley aim to apply the insightful reasoning
and logical rigour of Pasteur to the study of two or more microbial
species interacting. After all, exploring in new directions and not
taking existing knowledge as infallible is key to driving science
forward and advancing our understanding of the world around us. Charbon et septicémie,
they argue, is not merely a summary of scientific findings but an
example of the kind of incisive, critical thinking all scientists should
use when considering the results of others – or their own. As such,
Turner and Whiteley’s praise for Pasteur’s work should be seen first and
foremost as a sign of great respect for a fellow scientist from another
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