Bacteria in space!
Where humans travel, bacteria will follow. If people are in space
for any amount of time, bacteria are sure to thrive there so it’s good
to know that there are already researchers looking at how the
environment within spaceships affects bacterial populations. Work done
on planktonic colonies of bacteria has shown that they can become more
virulent and grow faster once they leave earth, but more interestingly
there are also changes to bacterial biofilms seen during space flight.
Biofilms are large bacterial colonies that can form on surfaces. They
are particularly problematic in hospitals as the bacteria in the bottom
of the biofilm are often protected from antibiotics. Biofilms are
formed when free-swimming planktonic bacteria clump together, settle
down, and coat themselves in slime.
stages of biofilm development, Each stage of development in the diagram
is paired with a photomicrograph of a developing Pseudomonas aeruginosa
biofilm. Image from reference 1.
Researchers on the Space Shuttle Atlantis cultured biofilms of the
bacteria P. aeruginosa during spaceflight and characterised their
properties. They found that the space grown bacteria produced bigger and
thicker biomass structures, with more live cells involved. They also
found that the structure of the biofilm differed. On earth biofilms form
in either mushroom shapes (as shown above) or flat layers. In space
they appear to form a series of upright columns with a canopy over the
The image below shows three slices through the biofilm on earth (on
the left) and in space (on the right). The bacteria are all glowing
green. The space bacteria are scattered widely in columns in the bottom
slice, and form a dense canopy in the middle and top ones. On earth,
each slicecontains around the same amount of bacteria. The biofilm in
space is also taller.
The formation of these column and canopy shapes depends on the
motility of the bacteria. When they are able to freely move about
(propelled by tentacle-like flagella) the columns form. When bacterial
motility is prevented by removing the flagella the columns don’t form
and instead the biofilm is made up of sticky layers as it is with
non-motile bacteria on earth. The researchers propose that the column
and canopy structure is formed by the elongation of the top of the
mushrooms in reduced gravity to form a single flattened layer rather
than disconnected caps. They also suggest that oxygen levels may play a
part in determining the biofilm shape.
The behaviour of biofilms in space is important as plenty of biofilms
have been found in spaceships where they cause problems with corrosion
and blockage. Astronauts also have lowered immune systems in space,
which makes the presence of any bacteria more dangerous. It’s
fascinating to see how the biofilm formation adapts to such an alien
environment, but I’m sure research is also focussing on how to remove
the biofilms completely.
Reference 1: Monroe D (2007) Looking for Chinks in the Armor of
Bacterial Biofilms. PLoS Biol 5(11): e307.
Reference 2: Kim W, Tengra FK, Young Z, Shong J, Marchand N, et al. (2013) Spaceflight Promotes Biofilm Formation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PLoS ONE 8(4): e62437. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062437
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