Breaking down the city walls: small molecules that target bacterial biofilms
Although bacteria are single celled organisms, they are capable
of working together in massive bacterial colonies known as biofilms.
Within the biofilm bacteria will differentiate to perform different
tasks, all wrapped up within a sticky substance that holds the cells
together. I’ve written about biofilms before; how they form and how they work in space!
Biofilms form on surfaces where bacteria gather including body
surfaces and medical equipment. They are incredibly hard to get rid of.
Antibiotics can’t penetrate down to the lower levels of the biofilm at
high enough concentrations to kill, and the presence of low-level
antibiotics encourages the development of antibiotic resistance. There
is therefore a lot of research into biofilms, and particularly into
treatments that can destroy them, or prevent them from forming.
biofilm grown on a stainless steel surface, stained with
4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and examined by epifluorescence
microscopy. Bar, 20 µm. Ricardo Murga and Rodney M. Donlan: "Biofilms:
Microbial Life on Surfaces"
A recent article in PLoS Pathogens looks at the possibility of
removing biofilms by knocking out small signalling molecules. These
signalling molecules regulate a number of genes involved in biofilm
formation and are strongly evolutionarily conserved, meaning they are
found in a wide range of bacteria. This means that a treatment based on
targeting them would potentially work across a broad spectrum of both Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria.
The peptide they studied was labelled 1018 and was found to prevent
biofilm formation and kill established biofilms at low concentrations
that had no effect on the planktonic free-living bacteria. Low levels of
the peptide lead to the biofilm breaking up and dispersing while higher
levels caused cell death within the biofilm.
The image above shows the results: displayed graphically above
and pictorially below. On the left, the live cell counts under normal
conditions, after 0, 3 and 23 hours. The cell count is increasing as the
biofilm develops. The image shows the mushroom shape of the biofilm
forming. In the middle is the result of cell growth in the presence of
low levels of 1018 (0.8 µg/ml). The cells are growing, but the biofilm
has been split up and scattered, with only free-living platonic cells
left behind. To the right, is the result of cell growth in the presence
of high levels of 1018 (10 µg/ml). In this case the cells are killed and
no biofilm grows.
Excitingly, this result was repeated over different species of
bacteria, showing broad-spectrum activity. Further investigation into
1018 showed it was able to bind to the small signalling molecules.
Exactly how it binds to the signalling molecule, and what is does with
it after binding, is still uncertain. As is the precise role of the
small signalling molecules in the formation of biofilms. While this is
medically interesting there are still a lot of unanswered biochemical
What has been shown is that 1018 has three main effects. Firstly it
prevents biofilm formation when added to free-living cells. Secondly it
breaks up biofilms at low concentrations, and thirdly it can break up
and disperse even 2 day old biofilms. Even if only used at low
concentrations, this would be a highly medically useful molecule,
breaking up biofilms leaving bacterial cells more susceptible to
antibiotics and other anti-microbial agents.
Reference: de la Fuente-Núñez C, Reffuveille F, Haney EF, Straus SK,
Hancock REW (2014) Broad-Spectrum Anti-biofilm Peptide That Targets a
Cellular Stress Response. PLoS Pathog 10(5): e1004152.
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