Diseases in the wild: the frog apocalypse
The best way to prevent a disease from turning into an epidemic
is to closely monitor its development and put systems in place before it
starts spreading rapidly through populations. This requires
surveillance and monitoring of the disease and disease populations. This
is fine for populations of livestock, or humans, but tends to be a
neglected area when it comes to animals in the wild. There are plenty of
examples of devastating diseases that have ranged through wild-animal
populations relatively unchecked until the later stages as they were
simply not caught early enough.
An example is the fungal skin infection of frogs (chytridiomycosis)
which absolutely decimated amphibians, wiping out about 200 frog species
world wide. Yet investigations into the disease didn’t start until 15
years after its initial appearance.
alpine tree frog showing signs of the fungal infection including
reddened skin and "an inability to maintain normal upright posture" -
which seems a bit of an understatement! Image from reference 1.
One of the reasons for the delay was a general feeling that such a
large decline in numbers couldn’t be caused by a disease, but instead
was more likely to be some form of chemical contamination or pollution.
Most of the initial work exploring the idea of a pathogen cause was done
by a PhD student and was not adequately resourced. For many frog
species there was also a lack of proper ‘baseline’ data; information
about the species and population prior to the disease outbreak.
The disease is caused by the fungus B. dendrobatidis which
is able to swim through the water using flagella. As frogs take up water
through their skin this may be how the disease spreads although there
are likely to be other ways given that the fungi often doesn’t swim
particularly far. The mechanisms by which the fungi cause the disease
are still uncertain – the fungi is always found where the disease is
present, but the can also be found without the disease.
Efforts to save the frog populations are difficult as the fungi is
hard to treat in the wild and can spread into nature reserves and
protected areas. Some efforts have been made to preserve frog species
including the Amphibian Ark
which aims to manage and co-ordinate captive populations. Although life
in captivity allows frogs to be kept safe from fungi and other diseases
there are issues with breeding in captivity. Most frogs have a specific
set of breeding requirements, often strongly tied to their living
environment, for example the tropical frogs that only lay eggs in the
water of tree-dwelling bromeliad flowers. These conditions are
challenging to recreate in a lab!
Efforts to prevent further such devastating diseases in the wild
would benefit from improved monitoring and systematic surveillance of
wildlife populations. Strategies such as monitoring sentinel species and
locations, ensuring spacial and taxonomic representation of monitored
species, and focusing on the ecosystem as well as the species level
allow diseases in the wild to be caught and studied before they spread.
There’s also the need for increased social and political will for
setting up such monitoring systems, including supplying adequate funding
towards them.
Reference 1: Grogan LF, Berger L, Rose K, Grillo V, Cashins SD, et
al. (2014) Surveillance for Emerging Biodiversity Diseases of Wildlife.
PLoS Pathog 10(5): e1004015. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004015
Reference 2: Gewin V (2008) Riders of a Modern-Day Ark. PLoS Biol 6(1): e24. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060024
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