Sleeping sickness and tsetse flies
The protozoan pathogens, the unicellular organisms that are not
bacterial, but are responsible for some of the deadliest diseases in the
world including malaria, sleeping sickness and toxoplasmosis.
Although some of these protozoa can be taken up directly through
contact with fecal matter or infected water, many of them rely on animal
vectors for part of their life-cycle. As a result, the study and
control of these vectors plays a major part in the fight against the
disease. Recently, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases put together a whole collection of articles and editorials about the Tsetse fly: the vector for the protozoa that causes sleeping sickness.
tsetse fly! From the PLoS collection. Image Credit: Geoffrey M.
Attardo, Research Scientist at the Yale School of Public Health.
Sleeping sickness is caused by a parasite called Trypanosoma brucei. T. brucei
is made up of a single eukaryotic cell, and therefore contains all the
internal features of such a cell: nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus
and internal membrane systems. It also has a tail, or flagellum, for
most of its life-cycle. The life-cycle is complex and involves several
changes in form for the protozoa. After being injected into the human
blood stream by the tsetse fly, the parasite can swim to various sites
in the body and multiply in bodily fluids including lymph and spinal
fluid. Parasites in the blood are then picked up by another tsetse fly
taking a meal. They are taken into the fly gut and then make their way
to the salivary glands ready to be injected into another human.
The T. brucei lifecycle, including morphology changes and reproduction. From the Center for Disease Control.
The symptoms of sleeping sickness include joint pain, headaches and
fever along with a drowsiness that gives the disease its name.
Unfortunately T. brucei is able to cross the blood-brain
barrier and once inside the central nervous system is causes the patient
to become lethargic or insane followed by a coma and death. There are
two main varieties of sleeping sickness caused by two different
subspecies of T. brucei. One is a longer term chronic disease
which can persist for several years with only mild symptoms before it
gets into the central nervous system. The other is far more severe and
acute – causing death within 3-12 months of infection. There is also a
related disease which causes sleeping sickness in cattle and livestock.
One of the difficulties in eradicating sleeping sickness is that because T. brucei
can change its outer protein coat there are no effective vaccines
against it. There are also no existing natural cures, such
as quinine for treating malaria. The most successful approaches to the
disease are therefore those that rely on controlling the vector: the
tsetse fly. The use of traps and insecticides to remove the insect
vector leads to a decrease in the incidence of the disease. Very
recently the complete genome sequence of the fly has been released
which, along with research into its immune, digestive and reproductive
systems should improve efforts to effectively remove it from areas where
sleeping sickness is endemic.
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